Colon Cleansing and Fasting: Is It Safe?

March 23, 2009 by  
Filed under Colon Health & Detox

So you are looking to do a colon cleanse, good for you. But did you know that there are ways to improve the strength of your cleanse? Since you are reading this you have probably heard or read that you can. One powerful way to strengthen your colon cleanse and flush out that very old accumulated waste that’s been seething in your colon is by combining fasting with your colon cleanse.

Most likely you are taking an herbal supplement to do your colon cleanse. Hopefully you have chosen an effective colon cleansing product made by a reputable company. If you have, the colon cleansing product you have purchased should come with detailed instructions as to what foods are optimal to consume during your cleanse if you are going that route.

Diet is super important to having a better colon cleanse. So let’s talk about what foods are recommended to eat during your colon cleanse first. Raw fruits and vegetables are ideal to consume while doing a colon cleanse because they are super high energy, natural foods that are easily digested by the body. They also help and assist the herbs you are taking to flush out the toxins and waste out of your system.

The corollary to this is avoiding heavier foods like meats, dairy, fried foods and processed foods while cleansing. You also want to avoid any kind of artificial ingredients like candy, as well as common table salt. Basically you want to avoid anything that does not have intrinsic nutritional value. The reasoning behind this is that all of the above are difficult for the body to digest and process. This will obviously have a detrimental effect to having a successful colon cleanse.

Okay so going beyond eating a proper diet during your colon cleanse, you can go a step further and do a liquids only fast. There are people who say that fasting is dangerous and not good for you. Most people who say this have never done a fast in their lives and therefore have not experienced the benefits first hand. Personal experience is key to being able to give informed advice.

I only speak from personal experience myself and therefore endorse the opposite view. That view is that fasting once in a while is healthy for you because it gives your digestive system a break, especially if you are not the healthiest eater. Doing a raw juice fast with a colon cleanse is one of the best things I have done for myself. Harming yourself through food deprivation and doing a controlled fast for enhancing one’s health are world’s apart so comparing the two makes no sense.

Combining fasting while doing a colon cleanse is an even more powerful combination. It allows your digestive system / colon to flush out the old toxic waste even more because it is not working to digest and break down foods that you just ate. Doing a liquids only fast combined with colon cleansing herbs will give you a much deeper, stronger cleanse because of the extra energy provided from less digestion.

It is recommended that you drink fresh, raw organic juices only. Fresh, organic juices are packed with high nutritional value that give you energy and are much easier for your body to digest. A juicer will be needed to accomplish this, so hopefully you have one. If you don’t you should invest in one as drinking fresh organic juices regularly will do wonders for your health generally speaking. Mixing juices like carrot, apple, cucumber, celery and beets for example work great together.

Juice fasting while doing your colon cleanse does take more discipline than just eating whatever you want while popping your colon cleansing supplement. But if you go this route you will see a dramatic difference in the results you get in what you flush out of your body and how it affects your health. You will get hunger pangs throughout your cleanse no doubt but your body will thank you for giving it the break and internal cleanse it so deserves.

Also I guarantee you will be so surprised by how awesome you feel, the surges of energy you will get, related health benefits and of course what comes out of you (that parts a bit gross). Give yourself some credit because you deserve it. Being able to stick to a juice fast only during your cleansing program takes some self-discipline. Greater results come from greater effort and you will feel not only physically empowered but mentally as well for taking the high road to greater health in your life.


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